Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Paddy's Adventures

Well, in typical fashion Saint Patrick's Day is a fun filled
drunken day.  I managed to get out around 4pm to start the festivities of heavy drinking and other appropriate shenanigans.  We ended up meeting some pretty crazy and interesting people.  One such person that we ran into was a 24 year old guy.  He looked kind of lonely sitting there at the bar all by himself, so as we went up to get more drinks, I we decided to talk to him.  Of course one of my friends call him Lost Boy, hopefully you catch the reference.  Turns out this couldn't be more true.  He is out babysitting his room mate, who by the way, just happens to be a senior citizen!  So his old roomie is high and drunk and damn near getting thrown out of this place.  After talking some more with Andrew, we find out this guy has had quite a life story.  He has moved to like 5 different states in the last 3 years, searching for something, even he doesn't know what yet.  He does have a plan though.  Move to China.  Why?  Because he wants to get a woman from there and get married.  GREAT plan buddy.  I asked him why he doesn't just save some $$$ and mail order a girl.  There has got to be a website.  I mean, this is the digital age after all.

So then my guy friend gets talked into earning $5 by grabbing this random girl's ass that has been hanging near us for the past 30 minutes.  So, naturally he does.  This almost starts a fight.  "Do you like yo front teeth?  Cuz I'm bout to knock dem out if you do dat again."  Yeah, I'm not sure where this girl got all Jersey Shore on us from.  But whatever, we assembled and she left with her friend.  No words necessary.  Needless to say she kept coming back in and leaving several times...intent on making a scene.  Rolling her eyes at my friend and then just doing her little 'look at me' walk.  What a skank.

I got my ass grabbed more times than I can count.  I didn't mind though.  It is about the only action I have gotten in quite some time (mostly by choice).  And plus when people get drunk...things just kinda happen.

About an hour into this event, I can't feel my legs.  Awesome.

At some point we left the establishment we had been occupying to walk the row and see what else is available.  For some reason we thought it would be fun to do pull ups on the cross walk sign.  I naturally fell down and looked like an idiot.  Oh well, what can you do.  At least I didn't scrape my knees up or anything this time out.

We go into another establishment and see 'Little Red Riding Hood' who my one guy friend is immediately attracted to.  We must be so terribly drunk at this point because when she walked by our group she was wearing a orangish vest.  Haha we are color blind drunk at this point.  Then two gay guys decide to join our little party and things kinda get weird at that point.  It's something in between these two guys about to get it on with each other and get in a fight with somebody else.  So we depart, leaving them behind.

Sure enough, there is a fight outside.  No idea who or why, but it's entertaining to watch.  Obviously these guys don't watch UFC because they are not attempting any of the typical moves guys seem to try out these days.  Enter the police.  Fight over.  Out of nowhere comes either the girlfriend or the girl they were fighting over.  She has a GREAT idea of trying to get one of these guys out of the police car.  Haha, she ended up getting maced.

Things get a little fuzzy at this point.  I remember being in a hotel lobby talking to someone I've never seen before.  Then my metabolism kicks in and I start sobering up.  We make it back somewhere for last call, and then everything is closing. 

Not too shabby.  I'm sure there are things I am forgetting.  Word on the street is that I was sleeping and carried from one place to the next.  I'll have to get some stories from my friends to piece everything together.  LOL.

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