Thursday, February 28, 2013


I've been hitting the PT harder and harder.  Yes, my body still hurts, but I'm
improving so I suppose it's worth it.  On Monday, I was able to use the elliptical for a little while.  It was slow going at first, but I was able to get going a little faster.  Tuesday, I used the elliptical again but felt stronger.  Wednesday I said "Why not?" and jumped on a treadmill.  I thought it was one of those self powered ones, but I guess it wasn't so I turned it on.  I was able to get the speed up to 6.5mph and ran for 30 minutes.  It felt good to get a good sweat going.  Of course I made the PT people nervous by doing this, but whatever.  It made me hella tired afterwards, but at least I am getting stronger.  My legs are starting to look back to normal, they aren't so skinny from not being able to use them for so long.  My left knee is still really sore.  I'm told that is because my tendon got extended the wrong way or something.

I'm on my way.

The only problem is, I don't really know what the next step is.

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