Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Been lazy...

Sorry for not being the most active of bloggers.  Recently though with a semester ending (all As baby!!) and trying to get caught up on some things on my to do list, it just always seems like there is never enough time in the day!  I've been neglecting this as
well as Facebook.  Speaking of which...bummer for all the people that wanted to buy stock in them.  I don't understand that stuff very well but know that the numbers are getting smaller, so people must not be cashing in like the news kept talking about.

I've also been neglecting WoW.  Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel entertained anymore.  I ran a couple of random raids with a guildie and was just bored for the most part.  There isn't much difficulty in what is currently out there.  I still want the Kingslayer title, but getting a group for ICC never seems to work.  Hopefully the new game can add some new stuff to make it fun again.  I'm not a fan of the Kung Fu Panda approach they are taking though.

But I have been able to log in some time with SWTOR which is fun.  It seems like they have a REALLY good story so far.  After all, it is BioWare who made one of my favorite games of all time, Mass Effect...so big <3 to them!!

I will try to keep getting on here and posting the updates about the trials and tribulations of my life.  I also have some story ideas I might throw up here.  The last ones seemed to get a good response, which always helps me stay creative.


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