Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh Star Wars

So I picked up something I had been ignoring for awhile, my SWTOR game.  I have to admit, this is a pretty well thought out game.  I started playing Warcraft in 2005 as some
friends had gotten me into and I was a sucker for the Lord of the Rings movie.  The game was similar enough for me, so why not?  Well, that game stopped being fun for me a LONG time ago.  Why I kept my account was a mystery for even me. 

Then came SWTOR.  Made by BioWare who made my favorite game of all time:  the Mass Effect series.  They developed a good narrative, and I'm just a sucker for a great story.

I've been resurrecting my characters.  I've only played one so far and decided to give my others a start.  I started playing my Jedi Knight, which has been fun.  I went back to my Sith Inquistor because my Knight was making some dark side choices that was making my companions not like me so much.  I do think I stole the best thing from Warcraft, and that's the name Sylvannas for my Inquistor.

I still don't quite understand the Legacy system, so if anyone wants to explain that to me please do so.  Remember: blonde thinking here.

I am a fan of the server transfers.  I was literally in a ghost town every I went before I transferred.  It was like the Reapers came through and annihilated everyone except me and the NPCs (see what I did there?).  It sucks being in a MMO where you are the only person on every planet you go to.  That kind of eliminates the MM in MMO doesn't it?  Well, things are going MUCH better now.  This is particularly more so in the starting areas where I saw over 300 people online at one time in a beginning (under level 10) area.  That's pretty awesome, even if you don't play these games.

Yes I know.  I am a nerd.  But Call of Duty gets old after a while.


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