Monday, May 20, 2013

Online Rape Group

So I've been a member of an online rape survivors group since February this year.  I've never really felt like I belong there.  Why?  Well several
reasons I guess.  One of which is that I sit there reading over people's stories and how things happened and how they are dealing (or not dealing) with things today.   For anyone who may be reading and isn't up to speed on my story, the short version is that I was attacked on New Years Eve in Chicago, raped, severely beaten and left for dead.  I was found several hours later and had to spend a few months in the hospital just recovering and eventually learning how to walk again.  If you feel inclined to read about my story, click here.

  I haven't felt a connection with any of the others within this group.  I've thought about leaving several times actually. I have yet to see any story that is similar to mine in severity.  It's not a "you haven't had it as bad as I have" sort of thing, but would at least let me feel better about everything.

 Another thing is that I don't see anyone who is as strong as me.  I see a lot of posts about how people cannot find the strength to move on.  I admit, I have had and still continue to have to some problems, but I'm always able to bounce back.

Today was the final straw though.  Some girl gets on there and is talking about how she was raped, but forgives the guy because he meant well.  Another girl questions this, and it turns into something where the "forgiving girl" does not make any sense.  Her story is all over the place.  It sounds like it isn't rape and that she was merely ashamed of something she did and cried rape.  I wasn't the only one who felt this way.  Several other survivors complained about her to the people running the thing.  A few even quit the group.  I'm done.  I cannot stand liars.  What a bunch of bullshit.

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