Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mass Effect

This is quite possibly one of the greatest video game stories around.  There is enough variations in the story line and paths to make for a different arch

Untitled Story (ptP 2)

Penny arrived to class about 5 minutes early and sat in the same row and seat as she had the previous class.  She opened her backpack and pulled out her textbook and her notebook.  She couldn't help

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I must express my apologies to all my Facebook friends.  Although I have a private

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Untitled Story (pt 1)

The northeast corner of the university library  sat a young woman.  She had black hair

A Confession

I play games.  Xbox (no I'm not giving you my gamertag) and a few on the PC.  I used to

St. Paddy's Adventures

Well, in typical fashion Saint Patrick's Day is a fun filled

Monday, March 12, 2012


I wonder if I should change the name of my blog to:  "Slightly Damaged"   After all, it does

Oh yesss!

Just when I thought one of my favorite stories was coming to an end, a friend forwarded this video to me today!  It looks like we are

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Critique: Bikini guide

I think whoever wrote this article needs to get in touch with those who participate in spring